Elisabeth (Empress Elisabeth of Austria)Wed Aug 17 2022
Music and musicals always inspire me a lot.  It is the musical Elisabeth that has touched me the most, and here you can see the related works I have drawn for it from 2019 to 2022, using different methods and materials for their expression.

The song in the illustration on the left is called I Belong to Myself and it appears in the first act of the German musical Elisabeth, in which Princess Sissi, who has just become queen, is criticised by her mother-in-law and she asks her husband for help, but receives no response. The song is about her struggle and rebellion, and her desire for freedom. I have chosen a few of the lyrics to show in my picture." If I want stars, I pick them myself. I learn and grow in my own way. Because I belong only to myself. If you want to know me, don't hold me so tight. I won't surrender my freedom." This song has had a huge impact on me. It has always given me the strength to stand up for myself and be brave enough to pursue my dreams and freedom and not be tied down by others.

The song at the middle of the page is called When I Want to Dance. It appears in the second act when the Austrian Empress Elisabeth is crowned in Hungary, leading to the birth of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The song is about her efforts to finally stop being just a pretty puppet. But she still cannot escape her entanglement with death. The other person in the photo is death itself. I love her courage to "die or be free".

©AliceLi ©狐颜乱玉aliceliart.comalicelee24601@gmail.com